My only employment is to locate the appropriate woman for you; I am your escort. I am clearly 170 cm tall, which indicates my size. I know Thai well, thus I can communicate to you better. From now on, our time together should be more enjoyable and fascinating.
Although I have past experience escorting, I prefer being with younger individuals. Age doesn't matter to me. Why chose a mate depending on their age? Since it is not the kind of relationship you ought to pick. Though my breasts are somewhat enormous for an E cup, I'm glad of my physique and know how to use it to make you happy and offer you the most pleasure.
Paying special attention to it, I maintain my weight between 51 and 55 kg. I want to keep it up while we're together; I like how I appear. My employment depends on my ability to take care of myself, hence I always make sure I appear sharp and work ready.
Only at our meeting can you find pleasure, happiness, and delight. Not anything else is expected. Remember this moment with me always and have a wonderful time. I will do everything I can to ensure you have a fantastic experience and desire more since your own Thai guide. I will try my best to bring about this.
Finally, if you wish to go on a date with someone knowledgeable and confident of themselves, this is the ideal place to find a female escort. You believe I cannot provide you a decent time or satisfy all your needs? I wish you happy, look like this, speak more than one language, and am tall. I wish to show you what it means to be content and healthy.